is the cover of " Immagine " our first Demo CD autoproduct.
Perhaps he can seem incredible, but those children we are just, when we were
still of the unweaneds. Draft naturally of a photomontage realized from Luigi
Botticella, the bassman of the group, that it has recovered and
elaborated various photos taken from our parents 30-40 years ago.
to click on the inserted sensitive areas in the photo.
The CD contains the beautifuls songs
realizes you from 1993 to 2000. The
instrumentation used for the recording of the older pieces, was totally
analogic and comprised a recorder to coils TASCAM TSR-8 and mixer a FOSTEX
with 24 in and 8 out. A pair of songs has been then resumed and records to
you in digital them in the summer of 2000, during the recording of "Parole".
For hour you can try to unload or to
listen a preview of the songs evidences to you, in format mp3, from the
directory here under.
N°. |
Title |
of |
unload or listen |
they |
to |
master of origin |
If your logon is not enough fast,
we advise you to unload the demo clicking with the right key of the mouse
on the connection or on the icon of the mixer, to choose "save object
with name". To the term of "download" you will be able to
choose if to open endured the rows audio in order to listen to it or to
close the dialogue window and to listen it in a successive moment. |
1. |
Vivi! |
2,11 Mb
4:36 |
1:18 |
3:36 |
digital |
2. |
Immagine |
2,34 Mb
6:19 |
2:33 |
4:20 |
digital |
3. |
Un'altra volta |
6:08 |
analogic |
4. |
Parole |
2,01 Mb
5:28 |
1:52 |
4:04 |
digital |
5. |
Nuvole |
3:35 |
analogic |
6. |
Chissą se un
giorno ... |
2,13 Mb
5:13 |
1:06 |
3:26 |
analogic |
7. |
Lo so! |
4:01 |
analogic |
8. |
Tu non ci
sei |
4:49 |
analogic |
9. |
Bella mia |
1,68 Mb
1:50 |
0:00 |
1:50 |
analogic |
Click here in
order to consult our repertory
Click here to
access all the other Mp3
N.B.: The songs have been intentionally brought back
partially in order not to weight down the times of unloading too much, if wished
to receive an integral copy of or more songs, you can free demand it via
the following email to address: rattlerattle@libero.it
you are soon contacts you for the confirmation.